hitachi zx130-7

Improving Efficiency with the Used Hitachi ZX130-7

The hitachi zx130-7 is one of the most reliable and powerful excavators used in construction today. This excavator is known for its superior performance, durability, reliability, and fuel efficiency, making it the perfect choice for both large-scale and small-scale projects. Its impressive range of attachments also makes it a versatile machine that can tackle a broad range of tasks.

Flexibility to Meet Your Needs

One of the best features of the Hitachi ZX130-7 is its flexibility. This excavator has multiple attachments, including buckets, breakers, augers, thumbs, and rippers. This makes it ideal for digging, grading, demolition, and excavation work. It also has a hydraulic quick coupler, which allows you to quickly switch between attachments without having to leave the cab.

Dependable Performance and Durability

The Hitachi ZX130-7 is a dependable excavator that provides years of service. Its undercarriage is constructed from high-strength steel, ensuring durability and long-term reliability. The engine is also designed to deliver efficient power and torque, meaning you don’t have to sacrifice performance for fuel economy.

Low Maintenance and Easy Operation

The Hitachi ZX130-7 is easy to maintain and operate, even for inexperienced operators. The cab offers ergonomic controls and precise operation, while the frame-mounted components are easy to access and service. This excavator is also designed for easy transport and setup on any jobsite.

Excellent Fuel Economy

The modern design of the Hitachi ZX130-7 helps it achieve excellent fuel economy. The hydraulic system is highly efficient and uses only the amount of energy necessary to complete each task. This helps keep operating costs low, and makes owning and operating the ZX130-7 an economical decision.

Safety Features

The Hitachi ZX130-7 has a number of safety features, including a back-up alarm, flash light, roll-over protection system (ROPS), fire suppression system, and air conditioning. These features ensure that the operator can work in comfort and safety, regardless of the conditions or environment.

hitachi zx130-7

Used ZX130-7 An Economical Choice

Buying a used Hitachi ZX130-7 is a great way to get a reliable and powerful excavator without spending a fortune. Buying used can save you money up front, while still providing access to a top-quality machine. Many used ZX130-7s are equipped with all the latest features and attachments, so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible value for your money.

The used Hitachi ZX130-7 is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable, efficient, and powerful excavator. Its versatility, performance, durability, and fuel efficiency make it the perfect choice for any project. With its range of attachments, easy maintenance, and safety features, the used ZX130-7 will help you get the job done right the first time.

The Hitachi ZX130 is a machine that provides excellent performance from an excavator of its size. It is offers great power-to-weight ratio, allowing it to handle the toughest digging and lifting jobs. Its slim design allows it to be very maneuverable, enabling it to work in tighter spaces. It is also fuel efficient, delivering excellent fuel economy with a lower engine running speed. As a used excavator, the used Hitachi ZX130 provides a reliable, cost-effective solution for those looking for a tough, powerful excavator. It can handle a range of excavation, demolition and landscaping tasks, making it a valuable addition to any worksite. With its robust construction and great performance, the Hitachi ZX130 is a great choice when looking for a used excavator.