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Why You Should Never Put Off Blocked Drains Cleaning

If your plumbing has been begging for its overdue servicing, then it’s probably time to do a blocked drains cleaning job. Clogged drains can cause persistent problems in the home and you should never put off dealing with them. click here to learn more about why it’s important to stay on top of this maintenance task.

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What Are The Signs of Blocked Drains?

One of the most common signs that you have an issue with your pipes is slow draining in sinks and tubs. If it takes several seconds for water to empty out of a sink or bathtub, that’s a clear indicator that there’s a blockage at work. Additionally, if you can hear water gurgling when the toilet is flushed, that’s another clue that there’s a clog somewhere.

Other telltale signs include backups when flushing the toilet or foul-smelling odors coming out of the bathroom or kitchen. Many times, these smells might give away the source of the blockage as they are likely coming from rotting food particles, oils, or other debris that has collected in the piping.

How Blocked Drains Can Affect Your Home

With a blocked drain, the waste water gets trapped in the pipes and has nowhere to go. This stagnant water can create breeding grounds for bacteria and other germs, which can result in serious water-borne illnesses. It can also cause unpleasant smells and even attract pests. In worst case scenarios, backed-up sewage can overflow onto the floor, causing significant property damage and health risks.

Furthermore, if the blockage isn’t dealt with in time, it can erode the inner lining of the pipes and cause leaks. Not only is this extremely costly to repair, but it can also cause extensive water damage to your home. Knowing this, it’s not worth taking any chances and you should leave blocked drains cleaning to the professionals.

Benefits Of Professional Blocked Drains Cleaning

A blocked drains cleaning service will ensure that all your plumbing is up to code and functioning correctly. Professionals have the right tools, supplies, and experience to quickly identify and remedy the situation. They can unclog the pipes using a variety of techniques such as jetting, hydro jetting, and snaking. Plus, some companies may even use cameras and computer-aided diagnostics to inspect the problem.

These services don’t just stop at clearing out blocked drains; their technicians can perform preventative maintenance tasks too. A thorough inspection will detect any potential issues that could cause problems down the line and provide methods for avoiding them. This will help you save money in the long run and avoid spending on costly repairs.


It’s essential for homeowners to be proactive about blocked drains cleaning and make sure they take action immediately if they start to notice any unusual signs. A professional cleaning service can help you identify, diagnose and resolve the problem quickly while preventing any further damage. Click here if you’re looking for more information.